Successful Spring Workshop in Zürich
30 April 2022
Our Spring Workshop on taking care of patients with neurological disorders was a great success.
During two days, about 100 participants were involved in plenary lectures and workshops on this theme.
We had invited some outstanding speakers like Peter Sandor, Chief Physician Neurology, Michael Orth, head of the Neurozentrum Siloah in Bern, Olaf Rose, head of Impact institute for research in pharmacotherapy in Münster, Claude Vaney, Chief Physician of the Berner Klinik Montana, Maja Sercic, Policy and Science manager at Medicines for Europe and Kalveer Flora, Chief Pharmaceutical Officer’s Clinical Fellow at NHS LPP and Rheumatology Lead Pharmacist. They gave very interesting and interactive lectures on New options in migraine therapy, the Tourette syndrome and MS as examples for cannabis use, about clinical pharmacy services for patients with Parkinson’s disease and last but not least about modernizing access to medicines via your trusted pharmacist.
It was clear that a multidisciplinary approach definitely has its advantages. But most important, we stressed the fact that clinical pharmacy is not just hospital pharmacy but also being executed in community pharmacies. This was well illustrated by Markus Messerli, PCN-S President, in his opening speech, where he referred to the Romans, who were excellent bridge builders to connect areas. He showed that this bridge building is also essential in clinical pharmacy.The opening session was also an excellent opportunity to hand over the ESCP Fellowship award to Vera Jordan-von Gunten for her outstanding work in clinical pharmacy and her activities within ESCP. She was well complimented by ESCP President Derek Stewart on this.
This was, after a long time, the first opportunity to meet colleagues at an ESCP event. With an ESCP membership, you benefit of reduced registration fees.
During the Spring Workshop, we offered a discount on the membership fee as well. Moreover, the membership fee is less than the discount obtained. So what is your reason not to become a member? Join us now! And get the reduced member fees for our Prague event!