IJCP call for papers for special issue

The next special issue of IJCP is on the theme of “Artificial intelligence based solutions and innovative technologies in clinical pharmacy practice and research”.

Guest editors

– Prof. Kreshnik Hoti, Faculty of Medicine, Division of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Care, University of Pristina, Prishtina, Kosovo.

– Prof. Anita Elaine Weidmann, Head of Clinical Pharmacy Dept. at Innsbruck University; Associate Editor of the IJCP and ESCP Research Committee member.

This theme is both timely and relevant considering rapid developments in the area of AI and potential impact on clinical pharmacy practice and research. Submissions should be aligned to the broad field of clinical pharmacy practice, in relation to AI and related Innovative Technologies, and within the scope of the journal.

Deadline for manuscript submission: 31 January 2025.

Planned date of publication: Summer 2025.

See https://link.springer.com/journal/11096/updates/27351710 for more information.

Release of 2023 Clarivate impact factors marks milestone for IJCP

Delighted that the 2023 Clarivate impact factor for the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy has just been released and is 2.6!
This is an increase from 2.4 in 2022 and means that the impact factor has increased every year since 2020.
IJCP IS NOW IN QUARTILE 2 of Pharmacology and Pharmacy.
This is a major achievement, moving from Q4 to Q2 in 2 years in one of the largest categories in Clarivate.

Professor Derek Stewart, IJCP Editor-in-Chief and immediate past President of ESCP said, “I am indebted to the associate editors, board members, reviewers, authors and those citing us!
While we strive to publish quality, impactful papers, the impact factor remains an important metric.”

Remember that ESCP is affiliated with IJCP. All abstracts presented at our workshops and symposia are published in IJCP.

All ESCP members have free access to all journal issues, via the member login pages.

Check out the scope of IJCP, available at https://link.springer.com/journal/11096 

June 2024 issue of IJCP has been published

Remember that all ESCP members have free access to all journal issues, via the member login pages. 

The June 2024 issue of the journal was recently published,

Check out the great selection of reviews, research papers, commentaries and much more. 


There is a great scoping review on the use of behavioural theories, models, and frameworks in pharmacy practice research https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11096-023-01674-x

Also an excellent systematic review on clinical pharmacy key performance indicators for hospital inpatient setting https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11096-024-01717-x

And a commentary on the consequences and opportunities of artificial intelligence in academic writing and clinical pharmacy education https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11096-024-01705-1

Plus much more.

ESCP Spring Workshop 2024 was held in Bratislava, Slovakia

The ESCP 2024 Spring Workshop took place at the Faculty of Pharmacy Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia on 25th – 26th April 2024 on “Pharmacotherapy challenges in the developing years: from conception to adolescence.” “More than 100 clinical pharmacists from all over Europe and beyond got together to share their knowledge, research and network.” The workshop had the patronage of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic, and the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy.
Over the two days, there were five plenary sessions as part of the scientific programme.

Angela Lupattelli from the University of Oslo (Norway) talked about the challenges of pharmacotherapy in pregnant and lactating women. These included how risks for drug exposure are perceived in these populations, how observational research is interpreted, and how risks are communicated. Andrea Burch from the University Hospital Zurich (Switzerland) gave us an overview of the significant changes in how drugs are processed by the body during pregnancy and after giving birth. This means keeping a close eye on things and possibly adjusting the dose or the dose interval during pregnancy to keep the desired effect and after the baby is born to avoid any unwanted side effects. Sander Borgsteede from Health Base Foundation (Netherlands) shared the development of recommendations for men who want to have children when they’re on medication that might affect their desire to have children, the actual recommendations and how they’re being put into practice in clinical pharmacy. Erik Puchoň from the National Toxicological Information Centre (Slovakia) shared his insights on the various types of intoxications due to medications, chemicals, and plants. Pharmacists are valuable health care providers who can bring their experience as first-line health care workers in pharmacy as well as be part of hospital care and poison centres teams. Matej Štuhec from the University of Maribor (Slovenia) gave a very enthusiastic talk about non-pharmacological approaches and basic pharmacology and treatment guidelines for ADHD management, as well as presenting clinical cases from his practice. The insights gave the participants a better understanding of how to manage ADHD in clinical practice.

In the four workshops, participants discussed a range of topics: therapeutic drug monitoring in pregnancy and paediatrics (Martina Hahn and Sibylle C. Roll, Germany); searching for information and assessing the risk of pharmacotherapy in pregnancy and breastfeeding (Kateřina Malá Ládová, Czechia and Anna Oleárová, Slovakia); an innovative tool for drug dosing in neonates and paediatrics – PEDeDose (Priska Vonbach, Switzerland); and clinical pharmacy in NICU using the Iatromed tool (Sonia Prot-Labarthe, Sixtine Gilliot and Héloïse Capelle, France).

A nice atmosphere of the workshop was underlined at the Welcome reception in Primate´s Palace (Primaciálny palác). We were welcomed by prof. Ján Klimas, the dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, and given a private guided tour of the Palace, followed by a tour of the Old Town Bratislava.

A big thank you to all the plenary speakers; workshop moderators; Scientific and Organising Committees of the Spring Workshop; as well as the excellent support of the Faculty of Pharmacy Comenius University Bratislava; to our sponsors (Saladax and DoseMe); and all participants for sharing their knowledge and skills, for sharing their own work by presenting a poster/ oral communication, for networking and for being in Bratislava!
Hope to see you again at one of our future events.

Text: Anna Oleárová; Photos: ©Michal Valentin

April 2024 issue of IJCP has been published

Remember that all ESCP members have free access to all journal issues, via the member login pages. 

The April 2024 issue of the journal was recently published,

Check out the great selection of reviews, research papers, commentaries and much more. 


The editorial describes this year’s symposium, ‘Implementing and scaling sustainable clinical pharmacy’, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11096-024-01718-w which takes place in Krakow, Poland from 21st to 23rd October 2024. See https://escpweb.org/escp_events/escp-krakow-symposium-2024/ for further details and deadlines.

There is also an excellent commentary from the ESCP Research Committee, ‘Writing a manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal: Guidance from the European Society of Clinical Pharmacy’, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11096-023-01695-6 This can also be found under the ‘Guidelines and Tools’ section of the members’ only section on the ESCP website.

ESCP is affiliated with the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy (IJCP), with all abstracts from our workshops and symposia published in the journal. 

Introducing ESCP Close to You events

ESCP has been working on a new concept: the ESCP Close to You events. These 1-day events are meant to be physically organized on a regional level and on a regional/national knowledge level. In this way, we will be able to provide education and transfer knowledge that is precisely fitting to the national needs. Of course, the formula of the event will be adapted according to needs or experience.

The concept of these events is that participants will arrive on the event day or the evening before, and return home in the evening after the event. Where applicable, accreditation will be organized.

We are proud to announce the first ESCP ‘close to you’ activity on:
Monday the 25th of March
from 13:30 to 17:30
in the Sint Maartenskliniek in Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Renowned speakers from across Europe will be sharing examples on how to shape the future of pharmacy chaired by our past-president professor Bart van den Bemt. See the flyer for further details. As simple as ABC, so don’t miss out if it is close to you!

February 2024 issue of IJCP has been published

Remember that all ESCP members have free access to all journal issues, via the member login pages. 

The February 2024 issue of the journal was recently published,

Check out the great selection of reviews, research papers, commentaries and much more. 


This includes a great paper from members of ESCP committees, ‘Scope, content and quality of clinical pharmacy practice guidelines: a systematic review’, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11096-023-01658-x This is a key paper for all interested in clinical pharmacy practice, research and education.

There is also another ESCP Best Practice Paper, ‘Implementation of a national system for best practice delivery of paediatric infusions’, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11096-023-01652-3

All ESCP Best Practice Papers are now housed in a collection on the IJCP website https://link.springer.com/collections/febadhfjbg and are available on the members only section of the ESCP website

ESCP is affiliated with the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy (IJCP), with all abstracts from our workshops and symposia published in the journal. 

Optimizing Patient Care: Administering Psychotropic Medications via Enteral Route

Mental Health SIG

Colleagues from the ESCP Special Interest Group Mental Health have prepared a very useful leaflet on Optimizing Patient Care: Administering Psychotropic Medications via Enteral Route.

Psychotropic medication users, including inpatient and outpatient individuals such as geriatrics, nursing home and intensive care unit patients, may require enteral feeding tubes (EFTs) when oral intake is
inadequate or gastrointestinal tract access is limited.
The aim of this leaflet is to provide essential information and valuable resources specifically focused on psychotropics administered via the enteral route.

Specific guidelines for psychotropic medications via the enteral route are currently lacking. Therefore, members of the ESCP Mental Health SIG have compiled a list of commonly used resources where you can find information about different medications.
Simply scan the QR code at the bottom of the leaflet to access these resources. If you know of any helpful resources that you have used in your country, please feel free to share them with us (sig.mentalhealth@escpweb.org). Your contribution will be greatly appreciated.

European Council for Pharmacy Education Accreditation – ECPhA

The European Council for Pharmacy Education Accreditation (ECPhA) was officially launched in mid-November. The ESCP is a founding member of ECPhA, together with the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP).

ECPhA’s goal is to support improvements in the quality of continuing education in pharmacy practice in healthcare settings across Europe via accrediting live and online lifelong learning events. ECPhA will work in collaboration with national healthcare professional associations and accrediting bodies.

For more information about ECPhA and the accreditation process, please refer to the ECPhA brochure.

The ECPhA team will soon start the process of approaching national accreditation authorities to discuss potential recognition of ECPhA credits. Thus, we are identifying the contact persons in each country with the goal of asking for a first meeting. If you are in a position to have information regarding who within your country should be contacted, please let the ECPhA team (info@ecpha.eu) know so they can start building a contact database.

In addition, ECPhA is seeking pilot reviewers for the accreditation of the events. Reviewers will ensure that the event complies with ECPhA criteria. It is expected that a reviewer will spend around 3-4 hours per event on a voluntary basis for a maximum of 2 events per year. If interested, please email the ECPhA team (info@ecpha.eu) for further information.

December 2023 issue of IJCP has been published

Remember that all ESCP members have free access to all journal issues, via the member login pages. 

The December 2023 issue of the journal was recently published, https://link.springer.com/journal/11096/volumes-and-issues/45-6  Check out the great selection of reviews, research papers, commentaries and much more.  This includes an ESCP Best Practice Paper, ‘Medication supply at hospital discharge via community pharmacy: a quality improvement study’, available at https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11096-023-01635-4

ESCP is affiliated with the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy (IJCP), with all abstracts from our workshops and symposia published in the journal. 

Mental health special issue of IJCP has been published, October 2023

Remember that all ESCP members have free access to all journal issues, via the member login pages. 

The mental health special issue of the journal was recently published, https://link.springer.com/journal/11096/volumes-and-issues/45-5

With guest editors Filipa Alves da Costa, Matej Stuhec and Martina Hahn, the issue has 32 articles relevant for all practitioners, researchers, educators and students. Mental health covers a wide range of conditions, including depression, anxiety, psychosis, opioid dependence, dementia, to name a few. This means that the specific papers covered in this special issue are also diverse, and our authors have contributed opinion pieces, review articles and research-based papers that cover many of these topics. 

ESCP is affiliated with the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy (IJCP), with all abstracts from our workshops and symposia published in the journal. 

In Discussion with…

It is our pleasure that prof. Derek Stewart, the ESCP President, gave interviews to Dr. Christine Clark from www.pharmacyupdate.online. Click to read, watch & listen:

  1. Why join the European Society for Clinical Pharmacy?
  2. How ESCP special interest groups forge worldwide links
  3. Building best practice in clinical pharmacy
  4. How the Oath to Society underpins clinical pharmacy practice
  5. What are ESCP developments and aspirations?

Summer 2023 Updates from the Committees

Update from the General Committee (by Derek Stewart)

The General Committee is the ESCP leadership body and is responsible for driving the strategy of the society. We now have a vacancy for a position on the General committee. All non-student members will have received an email about this opportunity to make a major impact on ESCP and clinical pharmacy at the global level. Please consider this carefully and submit an application. The deadline is 01 September 2023.

We are delighted that to announce that we have recently signed a collaborative agreement with Polish Society of Clinical Pharmacy, with benefits for both societies. The number of national agreements is increasing; if you are involved with your national clinical pharmacy society and would like to explore partnership, then please get in touch. We continue to progress the establishment of the European Council for Pharmacy Education Accreditation (ECPhA) and will provide updates in future newsletters.

Update from the Education Committee (by Kateřina Malá Ládová)

In Summer 2023, EdCom welcomed a new member from Germany representing ESCP General Commitee. Dr. Martina Hahn will support working of EdCom and connect the visions of GC into EdCom.

The EdCom strategic plan for 2023 is ongoing, especially autumn webinars organized by EdCom are coming. In September, the webinar will be focused on increase awareness for pharmacy professionals on public health disasters and emergencies.

In October, the webinar will be held on behalf of EdCom and is hosting an expert panel discussion focused on:

1) Experiential learning – its integration into the undergraduate curriculum, and strategies to support and optimize its impact;

2) Continuing Professional Development – analysis of the current challenges and opportunities regarding access, implementation and evaluation.

Update from the Special Interest Group (SIG) Council (by Bart Pouls)

In the background ESCP is are working on communication within SIGs to facilitate the sharing and building of ideas on clinical pharmacy. During the conference in Aberdeen, all three SIGs will showcase themselves and have a slot within the program where you can hear what’s happening and become a member too!

Please click here for more information.

August 2023 issue of IJCP has been published

Remember that all ESCP members have free access to all journal issues, via the member login pages. 

The August issue of the journal was recently published, https://link.springer.com/journal/11096/volumes-and-issues/45-4

Check out the great selection of reviews, research papers, letters and much more.  Great range of topics on clinical pharmacy practice, education and research. Remember to sign up for the conflicts of interest

ESCP is affiliated with the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy (IJCP), with all abstracts from our workshops and symposia published in the journal. 

ESCP Research Committee publishes guidance on writing successful research grants in IJCP

The ESCP Research Committee has recently published a commentary in the June issue of the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy giving guidance on writing successful research grants.

Lots of great tips from experienced researchers, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11096-023-01543-7

Join ESCP to benefit from the expertise of the Research Committee!

June 2023 issue of IJCP has been published

Remember that all ESCP members have free access to all journal issues, via the member login pages. 

The June issue of the journal was recently published, https://link.springer.com/journal/11096/volumes-and-issues/45-3 Check out the great selection of reviews, research papers, commentaries and much more.  This includes a commentary from the ESCP Research Committee on ‘How to write a successful grant application’, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11096-023-01543-7

ESCP is affiliated with the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy (IJCP), with all abstracts from our workshops and symposia published in the journal. 

Who Is Who?

During the ESCP Spring Workshop in Antwerp we had the opportunity to hear the results of the work of young colleagues from Latvia and Malta.

Anna Gavrilova

Anna has a pharmacist diploma and she is currently pursuing a PhD in clinical pharmacy. Her research focuses on the safety aspects of direct oral anticoagulants among patients with atrial fibrillation. She is primarily involved in academic work, and she teaches courses on “Pharmaceutical Pharmacology” and “Pharmacotherapy in Pharmacist’s Practice” along with her colleagues at Rīga Stradiņš University (Riga, Latvia). Collaborating with her esteemed colleagues in various disciplines, they aim to provide comprehensive education and contribute to the advancement of pharmaceutical knowledge. Their institution established the new Pharmaceutical Education and Research Centre, which significantly promotes their research efforts and enables us to conduct more extensive studies.

The goal of drug therapy is to be safe and effective. During the ESCP Spring Workshop, Anna shared her research findings on the significance of direct oral anticoagulants’ (DOAC) concentration measure assays for patients taking amiodarone simultaneously. It was discovered that, in atrial fibrillation patients receiving amiodarone before scheduled electrical cardioversion, higher-than expected concentrations of DOACs are found for rivaroxaban and edoxaban users. This event provided an excellent opportunity to discuss practical concerns regarding the optimization of medication usage, risk decreasing against bleeding, and providing high-quality care to this patient cohort. The experience has motivated her to further her research to discover objective control mechanisms of long-term DOAC therapy.

Anna´s department has substantial experience in studying adherence problems to antihypertensive therapy. Achieving optimal blood pressure control, the main goal of antihypertensive treatment requires patient cooperation in addition to effective medication. Available evidence suggests that up to 90% of patients with AH may miss treatment, and ~ 50% may discontinue therapy within one year of diagnosis. Their recent survey results indicate that every other patient is non-adherent in Latvia, which is a concerning finding. Prescription databases analytical study also supported these results. However, both of these methods have disadvantages, so they are not commonly utilized in daily clinical practice. Thus, there is a need for more independent methods to measure adherence, such as determining the concentration of an antihypertensive drug or metabolite over a prolonged period of therapy, minimizing the risk of subjectivity.

Anna concluded: “The clinical pharmacy offers numerous advantages in healthcare. By actively involving pharmacists in patient care, clinical pharmacy enhances medication safety and optimizes therapeutic outcomes. Pharmacists with expertise play a pivotal role in medication management, conducting medication reconciliation, identifying and resolving medication-related problems, and providing drug information to healthcare professionals and patients. Interdisciplinary teams promote effective communication and collaboration, resulting in improved patient care. Moreover, it contributes to research and education, expanding the knowledge base and ensuring evidence-based practice. Given our shared interest in patient safety, medication optimization, and adherence, I invite everyone to consider collaborating on future projects and initiatives to further advance clinical pharmacy practice and contribute to the betterment of patient care. Together, we can make a meaningful impact in this field.”

Raquel Formosa

Raquel is 22-year-old Maltese final year pharmacy student reading for a Master in Pharmacy (M.Pharm.) degree at the University of Malta.

During the Spring ESCP Workshop in Antwerp, Belgium, Raquel presented an oral communication reflecting findings from her dissertation, which focused on ‘Pharmacist-Led Personalisation of Antiplatelet Therapy and Outcomes After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention’. The research was conducted under the supervision of Dr Francesca Wirth, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Pharmacy of the University of Malta and Member of the Research Committee of ESCP. The research was undertaken in collaboration with the Department of Cardiology at Mater Dei Hospital, the main acute general hospital in Malta.

There is currently an ongoing dilemma regarding the choice and duration of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) for patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). The research aimed to assess bleeding risk, optimise antithrombotic therapy and evaluate outcomes in patients undergoing PCI. Two hundred patients undergoing PCI and candidates for DAPT were prospectively recruited for this cohort study. Bleeding risk was determined using the PRECISE-DAPT score, which was not routinely used in local practice. Low bleeding risk patients on oral anticoagulation therapy and all moderate-to-high bleeding risk patients were discussed with the cardiologists for therapy optimisation, taking into account also ischaemic risk. Cardiologists accepted the researcher as part of the team and considered the bleeding risk evaluation proposed by the researcher, where changes in treatment where made as necessary. Patients were followed up over a 1-year period post-PCI for morality, bleeding and ischaemic outcomes. Application of the PRECISE-DAPT score in this setting was innovative, and the research demonstrated that pharmacist-led evaluation of bleeding risk supported cardiologists in the personalisation of antithrombotic therapy post-PCI.

Disseminating research as an oral presentation in this year’s ESCP workshop was a valuable opportunity for Raquel, especially since it was her first time participating and disseminating research in an international forum. Raquel valued the insightful feedback received from the workshop attendees and it was an enriching experience which she will cherish. From a networking perspective, she made new connections with international peers in the field of pharmacy. It is definitely an experience that should not be missed, and young researchers are encouraged to become members of ESCP, submit research abstracts and attend activities organised by ESCP!

Research being conducted by ESCP members

We are happy we can introduce the research of our members. This time we introduce the research of Ugur Balaban from Turkey.

Ugur works as a research assistant in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy at Hacettepe University in Ankara. His research interests include drug pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics during therapeutic plasma exchange and renal replacement therapies, therapeutic drug monitoring, and antimicrobials. Currently, Ugur and the team from Department of Clinical Pharmacy, work on questionnaire study. They aim to contribute to the existing literature and increase awareness among clinicians regarding antimicrobial treatment practices in patients undergoing therapeutic plasma exchange.

Therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE), a therapeutic procedure in which blood of the patient is passed through a medical device which separates out plasma from other components of blood. The plasma is removed and replaced with a suitable replacement fluid (e.g., human albumin, fresh frozen plasma). TPE aims to remove disease-associated pathogenic elements from the patient’s plasma, including autoantibodies, toxins and cytokines.

It is important to note that TPE not only removes pathogenic elements from the plasma but can also result in the removal of drugs. There are no definitive guidelines about antimicrobial drug removal by TPE or the appropriate antimicrobial drug dosing in patients undergoing concurrent TPE. Based on this, the purpose of this questionnaire study is to highlight treatment practices in patients receiving antimicrobial drug treatment and undergoing concurrent TPE, as well as clinicians’ knowledge and attitudes. The questionnaire is primarily aimed at physicians working in the departments of infectious diseases and clinical microbiology, as well as intensive/critical care. Furthermore, physicians from other departments are also encouraged to participate.

We as a clinical pharmacists could help Ugur and his team with distributing the questionnaire among a wide range of physicians we are collaborating with by sharing the link. For more information contact Ugur directly: ugurbalaban@hacettepe.edu.tr

Ugur Balaban, Prof. Dr. S. Kutay Demirkan, and Dr. Emre Kara (Faculty of Pharmacy at Hacettepe University in Ankara)

ESCP Spring Workshop 2023 was held in Antwerp

In April, ESCP welcomed participants from 19 countries to its international workshop ‘Advancing clinical pharmacy and care in diabetes and cardiovascular comorbidities’ in Antwerp (Belgium).

The program for the 2-day workshops had four plenary sessions.

  • Philip Newland-Jones discussed the future and forefront of type 2 diabetes management to optimize care and reduce future risk of complications.
  • Alia Gilani shared her experiences as senior diabetes clinical pharmacist working in a UK general practice setting within an area of high deprivation and diversity. Developing innovative services she managed to provide care to hard-to-reach groups.
  • Frederik Verbrugge provided an update in cardiovascular co-morbidities prevention with an extensive overview of must-read scientific papers underlining both preventive measures (smoking cessation, limit salt intake, …) as well as pharmacological and surgical treatment options.
  • Goos Laverman presented the Diabetes and Lifestyle Cohort Twente (DIALECT) as example of an integrated approach to reach treatment targets in persons with type 2 diabetes.

In the four workshops, participants discussed the following topics: safe use of injectables and devices in diabetes patients, lifestyle and personalized diabetes treatment in primary care, tackling inequalities in medication management and medication review and management of diabetes in patients with multimorbidity.

The integrated management including preventive and lifestyle measures as well as pharmacological and nutritional management focusing on all aspects of our (multimorbidity) patients is key.

Spring arrived just in time to create a nice atmosphere for walks both in lunch break as well as to welcome participants to the city hall of Antwerp for the reception. We were welcomed by the city with local beers and received a private guided tour of the city hall.

Thank you to all speakers and participants for sharing your knowledge and skills, for sharing your own work by presenting a poster/oral communication, for networking and for being in Antwerp! Hope to see you again at one of our future events.
Text: Siska Desplenter, President of ESCP Spring Workshop 2023. Photos: © Bart Heleven

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Join ESCP today and help to strengthen our clinical pharmacy community. We are a global society for all members of the pharmacy team in all settings.

Click here for membership